The Waffle House Wedding

Damn! I love this state. The best parts are the Keystone cases and cigarettes (not pictured).

pic from Gwinnett Daily Post

15 December 2008

The Chicken Nugget Wedding Cake

Has anyone seen this commercial? I would like to send a kill yourself to the creator of this cake, but I guess they are already on the way...

pic from Tony Deyo

13 December 2008

Get yo hair did: DIY wedding hairstyles

Check out these wedding hairstyle right quick

The Obama Wedding

How cute is our president?

pic from People Magazine

Gettin' yo swerve on: The first dance

Ahh the first dance. Arguably the most boring part of a wedding unless.....

12 December 2008

Tat it up: Wedding favors that don't suck

In case you havn't heard, wedding favors generally suck. How 'bout some customizable fake tattoos with your names on 'em. You could put them on the reception tables with a bowl and sponge.

They're cheap too! You can get 500 here for 79 bucks plus shipping.

pic from Chopper Tattoo Design