08 February 2009

Bling Bling

So I was just having another one of those donkey days. Then, I got to work and this girl comes up to me and says, "I know this is weird, but you're the closest girl around me and I had to tell someone, I just got my engagement ring!". I looked down, and saw this sparkling up at me.

Isn't is beautiful? The pictures don't really do it justice because it was sparkling like crazy. I love how understated yet gorgeous it is. I am so sick of huge rocks with bad clarity. The one below kind of shows the light, but I am still getting to know my camera.

Anyways, she couldn't have chosen a better person to tell, because obviously I am just plain obsessed with weddings and of course sparkly things. So, thank you, girl in the bar, for making my day (and also not making a too confused face when I said "gangsta bride").

1 comment:

  1. what a gorgeous ring. i love the vintage looking ones.


holla atcha girl!