24 February 2009

Too stripper-y?

Or super cute? What do you think? I'm back and forth between Pleasantville and Ho-town.

You can buy them at Plasticland if you think they're cute obviously.


  1. don't kill me, but those are too hoochie for public usage. very sorry!!! but i think they would be fun in the bedroom!!!

  2. ha i think you may be right. not even with a yellow coat like this?

  3. I love knee-socks (and above-the-knee socks) so I think they're fine. I posted pics of myself in knee-socks and asked if it was appropriate back in '07 and most people said yes: http://www.alarmingnews.com/archives/006486.html

  4. ok. with the coat and i'll give it my approval!

  5. ...I'm thinking The Love Boat meets Catholic School Girls Gone Wild...are those red anchors???? WOW...


holla atcha girl!