25 March 2009

So is this what's in style now?

I can't keep up with all these ridiculous "sunglasses" trends. I don't really get these things, and I'm not really sure how they work, but they are apparently oddly gangsta. Looks like she's about to get her eye stabbed.

Can anyone explain to me how these things work?

glasses from Colette and Beyonce pic from here


  1. clearly i am not gangsta, AS I HATE THEM! LORDY! I HATE THEM!

    ok, i am going to settle down now.

    sorry to be a turd!

  2. Hahaha no way. The bug ones are kind of fun.

  3. Then again, I'm sort of a sucker for glasses :)

  4. Wow...I feel a 'club' night coming on! Beyonce's glasses are fierce, but I don't think I would ever be able to pull them off!

  5. K- Do you know how they work? I'm confused.

    BFF- I can totally see myself dancing, then getting one of those metal fringe things stuck in my eyes! Those things are dangerous!

  6. Yea, the fringe glasses probably wouldn't work for me. I'm definitely not cool enough to pull them off!! :)

  7. just one of those 'for show' things i supose..:)x


holla atcha girl!