01 March 2009


It's snowing in Atlanta. Last night, I wore a little dress and bare legs and felt totally fine- it was like 60 degrees. Then, this morning, I left the brunch restaurant to find my car covered in snow. wtf? It wasn't even slushy snow, but GOOD sticky, powdery snow. It's cool, but I kind of felt like homegirl in he picture above.

pic from ARFotography


  1. My friend from ATL just told me that it was snowing, too! Good luck with that. I live in Boston and we also had some snow today...but I'm totally used to it!

  2. we never get snow in fl. just rain, lots of rain

  3. It is so crazy here. My power keeps going out. It's like the whole town freaks out when there's snow.

  4. I agree. What the heck is going on? It's March!


holla atcha girl!