30 April 2009

They did it

They did the paper lantern thing! On each of the lanterns, they wrote down a special message to send off. How sweet. Wish I was there to see it.

pic from
Lisa Aldersley Photography
via Bridal soup


  1. This is really pretty....forgive me but how do they make the lanterns fly? Does this require some kind of helium machine? Hopefully this question doesn't ruin my chances at mensa.

  2. Wow...great idea! It must've been so pretty to see those shining at night!

  3. That's gorgeous. I think they make them fly with fire, right? Hope it didn't start a forest fire.

  4. this is great, but please update soon! i'm slowly dying from a lack of cool wedding ideas!

  5. Thanks anonymous! Sorry about my lack of posting- been busy.


holla atcha girl!