13 May 2009

Dekotora (decorated truck)

How baller would it be to ride off into the sunset in one of these badboys after your wedding? I found these amazing pieces of machinery by Satoshi Minakawa on the always amazing, Today and Tomorrow.

Can I get an amen?


  1. um, you are a house on FIRE!!! only you could do this! i'll take a black cadillac from the 50's. or maybe a motorcycle with a side car. hahahaha!

    and i hope you get to see the crips and bloods movie. it was incredible. i learned a lot. i am a clueless white girl, but i try.

  2. these are mental! I love them. they're like carousels on wheels.

  3. wicked!!!! i just want one to drive away screw the wedding


holla atcha girl!