22 May 2009

DIY: Louboutin Shoes

You know these babies that everyone's been goin nuts over?

Well the talented Miss Maegan went and made some Louboutin inspired shoes herself!

Bravo girl they look amazing! Directions are here. The best part is, you can add them to shoes that are comfortable.

via The Alternative Bride


  1. she is smart and stylish and quite crafty! and she is a doll. and she is my co-worker.

    have a killer weekend GANGSTA!

  2. oh wow, thanks so much for this post! I'd love to make a pair of these that are actually wearable for more than 5 seconds.

  3. hey are you the same erin as the erin at design crisis? sorry if i am way off base here!

    and glad you liked the barkley hendricks post. he is amazing, and i hardly EVER see contemporary art by black artists, so i was pretty excited to find out about him.

  4. ahh this are amazing! i need to make them!


holla atcha girl!