19 May 2009

GIFs = the old new the way of the future

I'm digging these GIFs I found over at The Publics. How rad would this be as a wedding/engagement pic?


I'm calling it. This is gonna be the future of wedding photographs (online, anyways).

from Fuckyoudraculas via The Publics


  1. oooh i LOVE that! i've never seen that b4. thx for posting :)

  2. Bahaha!! That would be awesome! Its so tempting, I'm getting married in June, maybe I'll get that done to one of my photos!

    Thanks for the cool threadless bird shirt link..its supa nice!

  3. oh no way, that is awesome!!! i want one!!!

  4. i LOVE IT!!! i am mesmerized by gifs! i wish i had the skillz to make them. i am going to get those skillz soon. at least i hope to. this is so rad. just to reiterate: I LOVE IT!

  5. dope! it's kind of annoying and really awesome.


holla atcha girl!