27 May 2009

This kills me....

I was checkin out Rock 'n Roll Bride, and I fell in love with these engagement photos by the talented Desiree Haigh.

This one reminds me of high school.


  1. these are amazing. I am now also in love with them.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. haha!
    so funny, this pics were made for your blog.
    look at the gangstas in the background...

  4. These pics are cool...but I still don't get the whole e-pic thing. What's the point?

  5. i dont get it. the people in the leaves... stalkery? and whats with the grease wanna be photo?? anywho... thanks for being kind about my crummy job. it helped.

  6. Bethany- Yeah I know what you mean. Engagement pics are so not important and generally boring. But when you have an awesome photographer itcan be kinda fun to have a photo shoot while you're still young and in love.

    Awesome Sara- They are trying to be artsy, duh!

  7. love these shots!!! totally reminds me of the stoners and smokers hanging out back at recess.

  8. artsy??? oh, they are cute but like i said this is lost on me. i guess i'm just too pretty to be smart.


holla atcha girl!