09 June 2009

DIY: Flower girl

I love everything about this picture. Wouldn't this dress make a beautiful wedding dress? You could probably make something similar on your own by taking a plain strapless dress and attaching some fabric flowers like these with a needle and thread.

pic from Funambula via Grace's Bridcage


  1. and strip the flowers as they go? XD nah just kidding, very nice rose too! looks really realistic!

  2. I love detailing like this...mainly because there's nothing detailed about it! I don't go for the whole, "you-gotta-squint-to-notice-it" look. I never thought about actually sewing on my own flowers for this type of effect. I'll definitely have to try that sometime.

  3. i would just like to touch and/or roll around in such fabulousness!!

  4. Thanks for visiting. I'm a bride to be and your blog is really great.

  5. Omg yes! I can totally imagine it as a wedding dress :)

  6. So freaking gorgeous. Love it.

  7. I love this! I'm always smitten with the idea of having a wedding dress that wasn't intended to be a wedding dress!

  8. Yes, it's pretty gorgeous. I like her hair as well.

  9. how pretty!!! i would make a skirt with those flower thingies!!!

    seriously would u really make me a mix??? if you were near me i would hug you!! you pick the best jams

    where the hell is my guest post?

  10. Just found your blog and I love it!

    That would be a pretty dress.


holla atcha girl!