25 July 2009

Barbershop shave

While you're at the spa before your wedding, gettin' yo hair and nails did, don't forget about gettin' yo man a barbershop shave. There's something so alluring to getting a professional, single blade shave. Make sure its not a unisex one- the traditional ones give the best shaves (or so I'm told). Apparently, it makes men feel manlier.

Here's a good barbershop locater. All of these ones are recommended by The Art of Manliness readers.

I'm so jealous, I wish I could have one too- maybe when I'm old and I start getting facial hair.

pic from Life


  1. dude. don't wish that facial hair upon yourself. i KNOW this is TMI, but i am getting these weird neck hairs that are just ALL KINDS OF WRONG.

  2. I love barber shots.. and having them in black and white just finishes the image and the emotion.. good work.


holla atcha girl!