27 August 2010

The Waistcoat vs the Vest

A lil street etiquette for ya. This is how you wear a waistcoat and vest. Folks nowadays are always wearing their clothes too big and baggy. A vest can be worn a little looser (see left), but a waistcoat must fit around your torso (see right). It looks great with a tie and really makes a great layering piece.

Do you prefer a waistcoat or a vest?


  1. i love the waistcoat look!

    kiwi and his brother run a custom menswear company in their spare time so needless to say i am well versed in the difference! ha ha!

  2. Definately waistcoat ... didn't know the difference.

  3. Both looks are very handsome! And I agree, clothes way too baggy nowadays!

    ps...great giveaway today...come see!

    Julie xo

  4. Hmm...I like 'em both! I love seeing boys wearing clothes that fit!

  5. i guess the picture says it all!
    both can look really hot.

    no preference.

  6. Two dapper dudes. Wonder if they would style my husband?

  7. i am definitely following your blog to see how this boo turns into a bride! i don't know if my fiance is that cool but good looks!

  8. excellent tips...and a badass photo to match. I hope you're still blogging here...found you far too late..


holla atcha girl!