12 December 2010


Today, I was reading the Athens Banner Herald, and I saw some "Letters to Santa". It cracked me up. Here are some of my favorites:

Dear Santa,
Chrismes is my favret holiday. I love you and Mrs. Close. I hope you love my mom's cookies and milk thank you for all of my toys all of these years. All of thes years you eat all of the cookies and drunk all of the milk. Your elves are good at making toys for all of the people. Why is Chrimas important to all of us? Is Chrimas your favret holday? Mine is Chrimas to. I thenk we have coulet chip cookies thes year. I like Rudoff, The red nose Riandeer.

Dear Santa,
I love december. I love to go to my Mamays and Papas house. I see my cousens. I go to bed late about 10:00! I can't wait until I go there. My cusens Jonah and Grace and Ava. I eat so much candy. I will have a good time there! On the 24th I see the presonse erly. I love Christmas soooooo much. I will get to see my snowflace erings. I love Christmas. I will see snow. I will play jingl bells on the piano. We drink cokco.


Dear Santa,
I like Christmas because my mom is comeing to visit me. She is coming in December. Santa, are you comeing with the deers? Becuse I don't know yet? And Christmas is my best day. Its on December.
And my house is pattey and you will like it. And on Christmas im going to gave cooks to you Santa and milk Santa. And Santa you are awesome. Santa you are my best friend. And Santa everyone in our class likes you. And there are 19 people in our class.


Dear Santa,
My name is Brieanna. I am seven years old. I have been a very good girl this year we go to church and we do a christmas play. We dress up and we sing sing and we have fun. When we finished we go to this little house where everyone makes food and play games. When we are finished the preachers will call out a kids name or a grown ups name to come get something like kids get games a grown up gets like lotion. Then we are done with that stuff. We go home but it last un till night. I hope you bring me good stuff like new clothes and a I Pod touch.


Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl. I would like a Brbe doull and lip glos.
With love,

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holla atcha girl!