27 February 2009

No half steppin'

Look at these! Finally, a lil creativity.

pics from inwater flowers


  1. omg I totally dig the second one..it's like a giant fluffy mushroom!

  2. oo I love the baby's breath... so ethereal and woodsy.
    peace and love

  3. Ohhhh, the first one is my fav! These are great!

  4. hi there, i was going thru my posts and you left me a comment on the post about the denmark hotel with the different artists. i just wanted to say hi, HI! And welcome to my blog, sorry if i'm a little late. You have a cool blog, i'm going to look around.

  5. what a wonderful blog!!! i'm not the wedding type but you are a funny little tart. i'm going to but you on my fav list

  6. thanks for the love guys!

    i dig the second one too, but i think my fav is the neon nest.


holla atcha girl!