27 February 2009

Top 5 iPhone Apps for Weddings

Alright you little iphone addicts. Since a lot of brides bloggers have been getting iPhones recently, I thought I'd share a few apps that I think are super cool/hilarious/genius for brides to be.

1. My Wedding
This app is great for keeping all your wedding plans straight. You can make to-do lists, make plans based on dates, and it also has a cool little wedding-style magic 8-ball feature for when you can't decide on something. Just shake it, and see if you should "bet your ring on it" or "I now pronounce you yes".

2. Party Planner
Enter some basic info about your peeps- how many people, what kind of drinkers, what you will be serving- and it will give you a perfect estimate about how much alcohol/mixers you need for the night and some great drink ideas!

3. Wedding Envi
Keeps photo wedding inspiration organized into groups from the web.

4. Waltz
From the Ballroom Dance Channel, this app gives you the exact steps and videos for different dances. If you don't have time/money for lessons, this app is great for anytime/anywhere practice!

5. StudioApp
Finally, the most gangsta for last. This app has a bunch of instrumentals for recording/flowin'/singing/ slam poetry-ing, whatever. Its really easy, and super fun. How awesome would it be able to hook up your iphone at a wedding and have a "freestyle" toast, or a song made for your lova? No advanced music skills required.


(I have always been an apple girl with my G3 still truckin' after 7 years, but recently, I have no more faith as I have been through 3 ipods and witnessed many a macbook kerplut after 6-12 months. But the iphone has too many way awesome apps, so I might have to get one.)

pic from Gizmodo's wedding


  1. Thanks so much for the post. We're the developer of the Party Planner and are thrilled that people are finding it so useful! We're planning a wedding here ourselves and I just found and am loving your site!

  2. PS: could you update the link - it is no longer .html but, rather, .php



  3. sure no problem. thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  5. It is number of apps are available for the wedding planning. The couples and engaged have to choose the perfect wedding app for their wedding planning.

  6. Planning your wedding on an iPhone very easy and simple download useful wedding app like:
    1. Bride Guide
    2. Wedding Anniversaries
    3. WeddingDash
    4. iBridal Gown


holla atcha girl!