04 June 2009


Party plates! I am always that person at the cocktail hour juggling their food, drink, napkin, whatever. Will you guys get these, so I can stop lookin' like a spaz? (or at least we can all look like spazzes together)

At Perpetual Kid


  1. bahahah!!! brilliant!!

    um, and your kobe comment made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!!! HE TOTALLY LOOKS LIKE A GREYHOUND!!!

  2. love the blog. how did i not see you before???

  3. Saw these on the Today Show...Kathy Lee and Hoda tried them and they could not figure how they worked. The food was too heavy and it was difficult to balance it. They looked like even more of a spaz trying to make the thing work! Haha...then again, maybe they had already had too much to drink and that the general public could figure it out.

  4. LOLOLOL, that is really cool!! it needs to be bigger so i can pile on the food. gosh i so freaking love this and you too bc you always have the best stuff.

  5. Hahahhhahhahaa! If only people can actually start making small foods then it'd be more desirable! 'Cause then there'll be more to nom!

  6. How is that no one thought of this before? Genius!

  7. Bonjour !
    first time i come across your blog, so im gonan visit it now :)
    well if you wanna be inspired by my collage or just dream, come and visit my blog :)
    a bientot!
    Boubouteatime xx

  8. I'm a constant spaz, so these might help. Then again, I might just knock them off too.


holla atcha girl!