07 June 2009

The secret to getting the party started

Everyone wants to get their groove on at a reception, but sometimes it can be hard to get the ball rollin. A baller DJ to feel out the crowd is key, and a good playlist goes without saying, but my number one secret weapon to a party where everyone gets their swerve on is a dancefloor that makes you want to dance on it.

There are so many different kinds out there too. From interactive led (DMX style) to mirrored, to floating (over a pool) to just plain lit. You could even just throw a handful of glitter and put some plexiglass on top. Is there any way you would not want to dance on these?
pic from Disco Heaven


  1. Heya Gangsta Bride!

    Thanks for checking out me bloggie, I watched Project Runway too when Christian was on, he worked real hard, though my personal choice was the guy before him, the guy who liked to mix rock n roll n 'Gwen Stefani'-esque style, but it's nice to be compared to well known name(he interned for Vivienne Westwood, Christian I mean!)

    Just a question, how did you get the idea of starting out a blog on alternative wedding-related things?

    Holla me back 'cause I'll have some piping new images posted!

  2. Dancing is the key to a good time! Nothing is sadder than an empty dance floor.


holla atcha girl!