23 July 2009

Black Barbie

Seems like Barbie's makin a comeback today. The July issue of Italia Vogue has come out with a new Black Barbie issue, with a 100-page spread of Mattel's new black Barbies. Way to get with the times!

pics from FabSugar and Flikr


  1. when i was little i went to a sleepover and traded my most favorite barbie in the world for a gorgeous black barbie. she was too cool.

  2. Leave it to Vogue to come up with ridiculous styling for dolls.

    I love the look of the last doll. Mostly I want her dress and jewelry.

    In regular human size of course.

  3. Look how cool she is doing pilates on the cover?

    I dig her jewelry in the last photo!

  4. Totally, way to get with the times! I'm still waiting for an Asian barbie.

  5. Yeah, pretty cool. We've got a barbie exhibition in Melbourne at the moment - comeback indeed.

  6. THIS IS RAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Um, good for Vogue for embracing ethnic diversity, but - really - Barbie? Talk about unattainable body image.

  8. My first Barbie was black. I picked her out when I was five, or maybe six. But her name was CHRISTIE, just so you know.


holla atcha girl!