22 July 2009


Those of you that have been followin me know that I never post anything about about stationary or calligraphy. Personally I think its boring. Every once in awhile, I'll see something so off tha chain, that I have to post about it. This is one of those times.

The watercolor is so beautiful here, and I think it could be easily replicated. DIY anyone?

by Sugar Love Weddings via Once Wed


  1. oooh, i love watercolors! i find a lot of stationary to be less than amusing, too. but shhhh! don't tell anyone :)

  2. these are gorgeous!

    i am shitty with watercolors. i find them very tricky and i can't do it right. so i would have to pay for this look!

  3. yeah, not that into calligraphy. probably because my writing is horrible. i've seen these invites though, really love them. the colors are so pretty.

  4. I am useless and cannot DIY anything. I like how these look though!

  5. My watercolor goofiness is finally complete on my site. I didn't think of actually using them in this fancy way, though. Craziness.

  6. aaahhh love that! it's really cool & unique!

  7. Seriously loveliness.

    I have been drooling over Anne Watkins custom watercolors. I would be beyond freaking belief happy to have a watercolor painting of my wedding.


holla atcha girl!